SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, September 28th, 10:00 am-3:30pm PST

Trans Allyship: Learn, Grow, Act Virtual Symposium

Trans Allyship: Learn, Grow, Act is a joint effort by Okaeri, the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), and PFLAG San Gabriel Valley API. This effort grew from the realization that the transgender community, and its Japanese American and API members, are largely invisible and misunderstood both in LGBTQ+ spaces and especially among allies. Through this virtual symposium, we aim to address this gap by (1) facilitating a basic understanding of the trans community, and (2) emphasizing touchpoints of Heart, Head, and Home: to connect, educate, and encourage attendees to take action in their own communities. In doing so, we hope to educate and inform allies about the transgender community to help them make better-informed and more inclusive social, community, and civic choices. The symposium will be held virtually over Zoom on Saturday September 28th, from 10am-3:30pm PST, and will feature an opening plenary, guest speakers, workshops, and discussion groups exploring areas of advocacy, information, and family support. Registration is free and open to all.

Trans Allyship Virtual Symposium Schedule:

  • 10:00 am - 11:20 am: Welcome & Plenary (ft. speaker Debi Jackson)

  • 11:20 am - 11:30 am: Break

  • 11:30 am - 1:00 pm: Workshops & Breakout sessions (hosted by Okaeri, JACL, & PFLAG SGV API)

  • 1:00 pm - 1:40 pm: Lunch Break

  • 1:40 pm - 3:10 pm: Workshop & Breakout sessions (hosted by Okaeri, JACL, & PFLAG SGV API)

  • 3:10 pm - 3:30 pm: Closing

Workshop Sessions:

Dispelling Myths and Disinformation About the Trans Community: Hosted by Okaeri Community (11:30AM-1:00PM PST, and 1:40PM-3:10PM PST)

Fear often drives the narrative and creates disinformation about the trans community. But what is the truth? Hear from three trans individuals who will share their stories and dispel some of the myths about being transgender. When we hear the truth, it allows us to be stronger and more educated allies, and we need allies more than ever to bring greater humanity to this conversation and to the world.

The Importance of Family Acceptance: Hosted by PFLAG San Gabriel Valley API (11:30AM-1:00PM PST, and 1:40PM-3:10PM PST)

PFLAG is creating a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them. The Family Acceptance Project is an evidence-based program for helping families understand the ways in which we can best support our LGBTQ+ loved ones. Hear from PFLAG parents about why it's important and how they have supported.

Combating Anti-Trans Legislation: Hosted by JACL National (11:30AM-1:00PM PST, and 1:40PM-3:10PM PST)

Over the past few years we’ve seen a surge in anti-trans legislation at the state and local level. This year alone there have been more than 150 bills introduced that target gender-affirming healthcare. What role can we play in fighting against transphobic bills and rhetoric in our communities? Join PFLAG and LGBTQ+ Task Force as we dive into the history of anti-trans legislation, discuss recent trends, and get connected to local organizations already doing the work!

Thank you to Prism Foundation for partially funding this event.